Goalball Scoreboard

A reliable source for goalball schedules, scores, and standings.

6 Eyeshades / Eye Patches / Eyeglasses and Contact Lenses / Hearing Aids - 6.4 Patching


At all major championship tournaments, all players participating in the game must have their eyes covered by gauze patches, or an equivalent material under the supervision of the IBSA Goalball Technical Delegate or by a person designated for each team, who is known by the Technical Delegate. The Local Organising Committee (LOC) must announce the type, mark or brand of the patches sixty (60) days before the start of the tournament allowing all teams to know which type and brand will be used. Teams must provide a medical certification to the Technical Delegate (TD) two (2) weeks in advance, if a player needs to use different patches. If the alternative patches are approved, the team will cover the extra cost for the purchase of the new patches.

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