Goalball Scoreboard

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15 Team Time-Out - 15.8 A substitution may be called before the end of a time-out


A substitution may be called before the end of a time-out by the team that requested the time out. If the team that requested the time out signals for a substitution before the end of the time-out, that team will be charged with both a time-out and a substitution. At the end of the 45-second time-out, the referee will call the substitution and the substitution will then be processed. If the team that requested the time out signals for a substitution after the end of the time-out, that team will be charged with a Team Penalty – Delay of Game. 15.9 After a team calls a time-out at least one throw must take place before the same team can call another time-out or a substitution. 15.10 If a team takes more than four (4) time-outs during regulation time or more than three (3) time-outs during the second half or more than one (1) time-out during overtime, the request will be rejected and an immediate Team Penalty -Delay of Game will be called. A substitution may be called before the end of a time-out by the team that requested the time out. If the team that requested the time out signals for a substitution before the end of the time-out, that team will be charged with both a time-out and a substitution. At the end of the 45-second time-out, the referee will call the substitution and the substitution will then be processed. If the team that requested the time out signals for a substitution after the end of the time-out, that team will be charged with a Team Penalty – Delay of Game.

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