Goalball Scoreboard

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39 Signing the Score Sheet and Protest Procedures - 39.4 The Technical Delegate, tournament director, or designated representative will inform the protestor of the time and place where the protest committee will review the protest.


The Technical Delegate, tournament director, or designated representative will inform the protestor of the time and place where the protest committee will review the protest. All participants will be given time for a short presentation with arguments for the protest that are relevant and supplement the written protest. The participant submitting the protest will have the first opportunity to provide their presentation. The other party named in the protest will then be provided time to provide comments or a response. Any information to support the protest must be provided at the time the protest form is submitted and must be provided in the format outlined in the instructions listed on the protest form.. Video or other digital recordings can be accepted, but only when recorded by the Organising Committee’s equipment. Videos from the Organising Committee will start 5 minutes before the start of the game and will end 5 minutes after the end of the game.

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