Goalball Scoreboard

A reliable source for goalball schedules, scores, and standings.

2020 Midwest Regional - Tournament Details

Tournament Name: 2020 Midwest Regional

Dates: March 6, 2020 - March 8, 2020 - Deadline to Register: February 10, 2020

Timezone: EST - Type: Domestic

Tournament Info: No data available | Information: No data available

Men Capacity: 12 | Women Capacity: 12 | Total Capacity: No data available

Contact Info:

Contact Name: Katie Atkinson

Contact Phone: 513-460-9785

Contact Email: katharineatkinso6@gmail.com

Contact Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/columbus-goalball-regionals-tickets-91319933379?aff=efbneb

Tournament Gym Location:

Tournament Site Name: Mens Tournament - Ohio State School for the Blind Address

Tournament Site Address: 5220 N High St,

Tournament Site Coordinates: Go to Google Maps

Tournament Site CSZ: Columbus OH, 43214

Hotel Info:

Hotel 1 Name: Sheraton Suites Columbus

Hotel 1 Address: 201 Hutchinson Ave

Hotel 1 CSZ: Columbus, Ohio 43235

Hotel 1 Phone: 614-436-0004

Hotel 1 Website: No data available

Hotel 1 Coordinates: Go to Google Maps

Hotel 2 Name: No data available

Hotel 2 Address: No data available

Hotel 2 CSZ: No data available

Hotel 2 Phone: No data available

Hotel 2 Website: No data available

Hotel 2 Coordinates: No data available

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